Helping Moms Find Hobbies- and Maybe a Life, too! 

Mom, but Make it Me

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Check Out the Blog

Feeling like your only hobby is doom scrolling and sending your spouse 78 instagram reels a day? Same girl. This guide will help get those creative juices going to help you find some new hobbies that involve more creativity and less mindless scrolling. 

A Hobby Exploration Guide for Moms

Rediscover Yourrself 

Let's figure it out together

After realizing I’d lost touch with who I was outside of motherhood, I set out to explore hobbies, passions, and what it means to embrace my identity as both a mom and an individual. This blog is all about sharing that journey—finding joy, setting boundaries, and creating space for YOU in the beautiful chaos of mom life.

I'm Annie. I’m a mom on a mission to rediscover myself—and help you do the same. 

hey there!

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